
YTU Schools offer a learning environment suitable for raising an entrepreneurial and proactive generation with the courage to shape the future.

When students first see the school, they begin to understand technology and innovation and develop the equipment and motivation to improve them even further. Accordingly, they become aware of their learning responsibilities. Students who learn individuality, independence, and being a team player for a better world prioritize sustainability and become active leaders. The school is genuine, it does not consist of artificial spaces. The doors are open, and the spaces are lively and interactive, encouraging learning. Living classrooms, workshops and all venues are student-friendly and designed in line with an understanding that allows feeling, exploring, and experiencing. Every environment has a dynamism and modular flexibility that can keep up with change. Materials that encourage imagination are in harmony with nature. The integrity of the indoor and outdoor areas helps the world to be perceived as a whole. At YTU Schools, every child is an observer of the natural transformation, a keen explorer who knows everyone is a part of nature, an enthusiast inspired by YTU and Yıldız Technopark, and a self-sufficient hero who strives for the good of the world and humankind. 

The curriculum applied at YTU Schools consists of the courses outlined below. The lessons are conducted with planned content that focuses on experience and prioritizes skills development. Independence, entrepreneurship and self-confidence are encouraged in students instead of timidity and guilt with an approach centered on self-development. Through a learning design that focuses on differentiation and individualization, students explore their passions, embrace them, and become aware of their development in their self-realization journey. Demonstrating an eclectic and genuine approach with the strengths of education models from the past to the present, YTU Schools adopt the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program as their guide. With this program, YTU Schools ensure that our experienced and curious teaching staff are included in the most up-to-date professional development environments and share this entire content with students and parents.

Language and Literature

A library school that embraces different cultures.

Dil Eğitimi

The ability to express feelings in the mother tongue is considered essential for academic development as well as a healthy social personality. Curiosity begins in the mother tongue. Thinking in the mother tongue is at the heart of the analytical thinking and problem-solving stages. Additionally, the ability to use a foreign language at the same level is the key to success in the globalizing world. 

We teach English as a foreign language in our school. As language education at an early age is of great importance, our preschool teachers plan and collaborate with English teachers. They are together in classes and lead activities together. We aim to raise individuals who can communicate in English naturally from an early age. With a foreign language-focused curriculum at the elementary level, the students set out on a strong language journey. The language journey of our children is supported with French as a second language based on goals such as flexible thinking and multiculturality.

Our students, who have French lessons starting from preparatory class, are offered alternative language options, such as Spanish, German, Latin and Japanese, during club activities.

Their language journey is reinforced by a solid reading and writing culture. Disciplines support students with their own libraries and resources. The school library offers a warm and welcoming environment for students. Areas such as classrooms, workshops and gardens provide students with a mobilized and active classroom experience. With the information literacy and research skills lesson, the students develop behaviors in line with the Academic Honesty Policy of YTU Schools, starting from kindergarten. The technology access of our children is safe and dynamic. In addition, the YTU Library, which is open to all our students, provides a great opportunity for them.


A school of mathematics that can speak the language of the universe.

children in playground

Space is a poetic language consisting of patterns and strings; we call this language mathematics. Students at YTU Schools learn mathematics through experience and comprehend cause–effect relationships through concrete models. They apply mathematical processes such as problem-solving, comparison and matching to real problems that they can face outside the field.

Accordingly, they improve their financial literacy and build a life model that is economically secure. They can examine and redesign spaces with geometry. As active practitioners of science, they consider mathematics as a solid foundation. They also enter the world of software thanks to analytical thinking skills and high-level models. They can develop projects regarding the future of artificial intelligence.


A laboratory school in line with the scientific approach.

children examining nature

Science lessons support the sense of curiosity. The exploratory structure provides students with suitable content. It encourages us to understand and protect the planet and beyond and to develop solutions to scarce resources with scientific methods. The school allows students to do science. It offers a science center experience with the opportunity to be within a university. They are familiar with innovation as entrepreneurial leaders open to learning with an academic approach.

All teachers, as scientific leaders, carry out national and international projects with students in the school environment, where classrooms cannot be separated from laboratories and all spaces are equipped for scientific experiments. From kindergarten to the end of elementary school, preschool teachers and classroom teachers work in collaboration with science and technology teachers.


A global school with the wings of art.

child painting with watercolor

Visual arts, drama, music and design lessons are offered to students as art group lessons. During visual arts lessons, an artistic intellectuality is developed in line with an approach that will support the development of esthetic perceptions based on age. The journey that begins by learning about the world-renowned artists and art movements is completed with personal performances, as well as the stages of interpreting the works and developing products.

In line with the understanding that “every child is an artist”, children are provided with free environments where they can demonstrate their creativity. It is ensured that they try to become familiar with musical instruments. Starting from elementary school, they become professionals with at least one instrument. With drama, their self-awareness skills deepen, and their social skills are honed. The students also discover their orientation to the performing arts through drama. As design lessons provide the opportunity to experience design procedures as a solution to real-life problems, the designs in the virtual environment take them forward.

Physical Education and Health

A balanced school focused on healthy children.

children exercise

A physical activity culture, which contributes to a healthy and balanced life, is created with the aim of being physically, mentally and emotionally healthy.

The sports journey begins with an approach that will allow students to get to know the body physically and take good care of it and continues with proper nutrition, awareness of movement, and orientation to professional disciplines. Students at YTU Schools are confident leaders with a social culture that is agile and flexible. Starting from kindergarten, games, gymnastics, yoga, dance, swimming, basketball, tennis and chess are integrated into the school’s lessons, clubs, and after-school activities.

The Counseling and Psychological Consulting Unit carries out the monitoring, evaluation and support processes related to the mental and emotional development of the students in a professional way in collaboration with parents and teachers.

The well-being of students is the focal point in this approach. Studies conducted within the framework of Child Safeguarding Policies focus on cooperation with the Family Academy with individual and group events for specific age groups. Starting from admission, we work to enhance the well-being of our students by getting to know them, tracking their academic success, and developing their social relations.